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[IDT] Dimer가 없는 신제품 rhAmp amplicon sequencing system 출시! 메신저바이오텍 2019.03.11
IDT (Integrated Dna Technologies)



Integrated DNA Technologies


We are excited to share our newest innovation with you?the rhAmpSeq Amplicon Sequencing System.

The rhAmpSeq system enables highly accurate amplicon sequencing on Illumina® next generation sequencing (NGS) platforms. The result: easy-to-use amplicon sequencing that is both high-performing and cost-effective.

The technology has numerous applications, including:

  • Agricultural biotechnology
  • CRISPR genome editing analysis
  • Human disease research
  • Human sample tracking and analysis
Explore rhAmpSeq technology

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custom oligos ? qPCR ? next generation sequencing ? RNAi ? genes & gene fragments ? CRISPR genome editing
Copyright ? 2019 Integrated DNA Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. rhAmpSeq is a trademark of Integrated DNA Technologies, Inc., and is registered in the U.S. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. For specific trademark and licensing information, see www.idtdna.com/trademarks.






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