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[ABCAM] Kit 또는 Array 제품 2개 구매 시, 따뜻한 Fleece 를 드립니다~ 다윈바이오 2014-11-01~ 2015-01-28
[ABCAM] Kit 또는 Array 제품 2개 구매 시, 따뜻한 Fleece 를 드립니다~
2014-11-01 ~ 2015-01-28

  ELISA Kits Target Cytokines, cytokine receptors, CD markers, adhesion molecules,
apoptosis proteins, growth factor/hormones, artherosclerotic
proteins, angiogenic factors, oncoproteins 등
Sample Human, mouse, rat 등의 serum, plasma, cell supernatant,
urine 샘플 분석이 가능

  Assay Kits Target Apoptosis, cell viability, oxidative stress or cellular metabolites
Type Colorimetric / fluorometric 방식
Sample Cell supernatant, cell lysates, serum, plasma 등

  Antibody Arrays  
    Membrane based arrays 2-D, Mass Spec 보다 빠르고 저렴하게 cytokine 검출
Chemiluminescent blot document system
Applications Multiplex cytokine expression profiling in inflammation, Serum
biomarker profiling, PCR, gene microarray or Western Blotting
results confirmation, Detection of active biological processes
(inflammation, asthma), Relative profiling between normal,
diseased and treated samples.

  Antibody Conjugation Kits
    One-step rapid antibody labeling method 30분~3시간이면 완료
Detection Enzyme, biotin, 형광 detection 가능
Labeling ug~mg 의 antibody에 적용  

  IHC Kits Greater signal 적은 enzyme과 antibody complex로 깨끗하고 선명한 염색
Higher sensitivity Antibody 효율을 극대화 하는 polymer 방식
Flexible options Mouse와 rabbit 에 대한 HRP/DAB, HRP/AEC, AP Red detection system

  Tissue Slide and Microarrays
    다양한 기관, disease state에 따른 tissue slide
FFPE Formalin fixed paraffin embedded samples이며, 약 5µm thick
TMA Tissue Microarrays, slide 당 228 tissue samples 까지 제공, high-throughput 분석 가능

* www.abcam.com/kits 에서 행사 제품을 확인하실 수 있습니다
* 행사는 두제품 동시 발주에 적용됩니다.







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���̿� BRIC