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CRISPR 전용 Transfection reagent 무료 샘플 신청하세요! 메신저바이오텍 2016-04-18~ 2016-05-31
CRISPR 전용 Transfection reagent 무료 샘플 신청하세요!
Mirus Bio
2016-04-18 ~ 2016-05-31


MIRUS사의 Transfection reagent CRISPR실험과 적용한 paper입니다.

(X2 transfection reagent & mRNA transfection reagent)
----->무료샘플 신청하러 가기    


New CRISPR White Paper

Optimization of DNA, RNA and RNP Delivery for Efficient Mammalian Cell Engineering Using CRISPR/Cas9

The CRISPR/Cas9 genome-editing platform is a versatile and powerful technology to efficiently create genetically engineered living cells and organisms. This system requires a complex of Cas9 endonuclease protein with a gene-targeting guide RNA (gRNA) to introduce double-strand DNA breaks (DSBs) at specific locations in the genome.



 Download Complete White Paper Here>>

This new paper on various methods to apply CRISPR outlines the following:

  • Overview of CRISPR/Cas9 technology
  • Brief comparison of genome editing technologies including ZFNs, TALENs and CRISPR
  • Mirus Bio delivery solutions and data for DNA, RNA or RNP CRISPR delivery formats







이벤트 (Vendor Event)

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